CyIPT API documentation

Welcome to the API for the CyIPT project.

Please note that this API is subject to change without notice.

Use .json to return GeoJSON, or .csv (or .json with &format=csv) to return CSV. The examples below use the GeoJSON output format.

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Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.

# Schemes




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
costto int, 0-999999999
Maximum cost
benefitcostfrom int, 0-9999
Benefit-cost ratio (BCR) at least
benefitfrom int, 0-999999999
Benefit (in £) at least

# Existing infrastructure




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
layer string, cycleinfrastructure|speedlimits|footways
Map layer type: Cycle infrastructure / Speed limits / Footways

# Road width




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
widthlayer string, roadwidth|widthstatus
CyIPT layer: road width (Including footway and verges), width status (Is there enough width for proposed infrastructure)

# Propensity to Cycle Tool




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
pctlayer string, pctcensus|pctgov|pctgen|pctdutch|pctebike
PCT layer

# Traffic counts




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.

# Collisions (Roads)




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
collisionsroadlayer string, ncollisionsSlight|ncollisionsSerious|ncollisionsFatal|bikeCasSlight|bikeCasSerious|bikeCasFatal
Collisions (Roads)

# Collisions (Roads)




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
collisionsjunctionslayer string, ncollisionsSlight|ncollisionsSerious|ncollisionsFatal|bikeCasSlight|bikeCasSerious|bikeCasFatal
Collisions (Junctions)

# Collisions




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.
yearfrom int, 1985-2015
Start year
yearto int, 1985-2015
Finish year
severity string, fatal|serious|slight
Severity, based on STATS19 value

# Travel to Work Areas (TTWA)




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.

# Status




Required fields

bbox string, w,s,e,n
Bounding box of the map canvas.
zoom int
Zoom level of the map.